Saturday, August 13, 2011

Place your feet in the Earth

"Place your Feet in the Earth" is the most common phrase I hear around here, most Chilean used it to be and to make others be conformed, accept your reality, deal with daily things, or study a career you are fit to. Most people here believes that dreamily lives are worthless, that you should live real.
I've been hearing that speech my whole life, and well, I've seen most of my friends give up their dreams, because of it, because of their parents, with their speeches that said "I grew up", or "I should do what my dad says, because he knows" well, I'm not willing to do that, I think is important for everyone of us to do what we love, for crazy that it sounds, and I know that when you love what you do, you will keep doing it, I've been hearing people complaining about their jobs my whole life, and I don't what to go through the same, and no one should go through that. May be I'll never get the chance to work with Spielberg (who is one of my role models) or Robert Rodriguez, but at least I'll do what I love, and if I get the chance to work with Kavan Smith or Joe Flanigan, it would be worth it, and if I don't, well, either way, I'll be doing what I love.
But all this, because I believe is possible, and everyone should know that, "everything is possible, if you are willing to give it a goal", I heard those words on SGA ep. Poisoning the Well, by Dr. Carson Beckett, and if you notice, every movie, every series, has their teachings, and they usually teach that everything is possible, From Star Wars to Stargate! EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
So, do it yourself too, place a goal to you, if you believe in it, and you work for it, it will happen. It might take some time, but it will, all is in your hands.

One of my fave quotes is one from an Irish Dancer, Michael Flatley:
Because there is nothing more rewarding than following your dreams, nothing makes you feel better than that.
Another quote is from Col. Jack O'Neill from Stargate:
Because most of the times, it won't work in the first attempt, but that should make you keep going, doing it again, to make it work, because we should learn from our failures, not give up on them.

So, keep it going, work for your goal, no matter what is it, keep the faith, and it will happen!!
May the Force be with you
Jade Berny O'Neill