Sunday, September 25, 2011

Proximos Eventos

Hola Gaters:
Como estan todos, espero que esten bien, anoche fue la Gala de Once Upon a Cure, la cual fue un gran exito, es bueno saber que aun hay gente que se importa por las causas como la busqueda de una cura para el Sindrome de Hunter, si buscan mas informacion, visiten: 
En la Gala se hicieron presentes grandes personajes de la television Americana y Canadiense, entre ellos estaban Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Ryan Robbins, Robert Lawrenson, Julia Benson, entre otros. Aunque la gala ya haya sucedido, hay que seguir apoyando, eso es lo mas importante.
En otro ambito, el proximo fin de semana (sept. 30, oct. 1 y 2) tiene lugar la ExpoComics, una pequeña convencion de Comics, la cual reune a un gran numero de ilustradores de comics y fans de comics, y yo estare reporteando sobre el evento aqui mismo en mi blog. Ademas de eso, el 15 de octubre tiene lugar el ZombieWalk Chile, donde el tema sera convertir en Zombie a algun personaje de la infancia, WOW, tenemos que ver eso, y luego el 29, 30 y 31 de Octubre llega la ConComics, donde asistire en el modo STARGATE, para representar a la comunidad Stargate y lograr hacerla crecer, y generar una representacion SG aqui, y asi en algun futuro poder tener una Convencion de Stargate en Chile, con invitados como Kavan Smith, Joe Flanigan, David Hewlett, entre otros.

Gracias por leer esta entrada, y mantenganse conectados, pronto estare informando mas sobre Gater Teens, un Cortometrage, diseñado para Fans de Stargate.
Ademas pueden seguirme en Twitter @JadeBernyOneill
Y recuerden, SIGAN SUS SUEÑOS, ya que no existe nada mas importante que ello.
Oh, y a partir de ahora, intentare dejar entradas tanto en Español, como en Ingles
Por Jade Berny O'Neill

Incoming Events

Hello Gaters:
How is everyone, I hope all ok, well, last night was the Once Upon A Cure Gala, which was a huge success, great to now that people still support good causes, check in here for more information about Once Upon a Cure:
On the Gala were present a number of important people, specially to all geeks, like Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Ryan Robbins, Julia Benson, Robert Lawrenson among others. But people, keep supporting, that is the most important thing.
In other way, next weekend (9/30, 10/1&2) here in Santiago of Chile, takes place the ExpoComics, a little convention about comics, joining the most important Chilean comic drawers and comic fans, so there I'll be checking out the whole event, also on October 15th is the ZombieWalk, and this year the theme is make your childhood hero, or fave cartoon or character into a Zombie!! wow, we have to see that, haha, and then on October 29, 30 & 31 takes place the ConComics, where I'll be going representing the Stargate community, so we can get started as a community here, and in a possible future, have a Stargate Con here, with great special guests like Kavan Smith, Joe Flanigan, David Hewlett, and the others.

Ok, thanks for reading, and keep tuned, soon I'll be releasing information about Gater Teens, a Stargate Short film designed for FANS...
You can also Follow me on Twitter @JadeBernyOneill
and remember, Follow your Dreams, there is nothing more important than that.
By Jade Berny O'Neill

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's Summer time in Chile, meaning: Filming Time!!

Hello Gaters:
Hey, long time, haha, but I've been on Twitter, well is September, meaning, here Summer is coming, that's life on the south side of the planet, LOL, haha, well, September did not started like we wanted to, but things happen for a reason, I'm pretty sure some of you heard about the air craft crash in Juan Fernandez island, where Chile lost one of our best TV-animator, Felipe Camiroaga, and a very important business man, Felipe Cubillos, among others, 21 in total, they were on a very wonderful mission, to rebuild the island, after last year's tsunami, well, I'm pretty sure they are in a better place now.
But, hey, we have to keep moving, so, Summer is coming, and with that comes the filming projects, yes, I'm currently working on some projects for this summer, plus going to a cool university here to study Film Making, starting next year, but this summer is all about Filming, first project is Gater Teens, a story based on FanBoys, but completely on Stargate, and with that some other Fan-films and videos based on Star Wars and Stargate.
Even though, that's not all, next weekend is the ExpoComics and on Halloween's weekend is the ConComics, which is awesome, well, my friends, I'm glad everyone of you is ok, oh, and make sure to check ONCE UPON A CURE charity auction, there are very interesting fave is the lunch with Hewlett, but I'm a bit far! Check it here
and lets help this good cause, you can also follow them on Twitter @onceuponacure
Thanks for reading!!
Jade Berny O'Neill