Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Amy The Young Avenger

Hello Gaters:
My friends, there's been a while since my last post, sorry, but I've been occupied, working on a project called "Amy The Young Avenger", a Fan-Film from Marvel's movie: The Avengers, a project that will soon see the light, because we are shooting it next week in Santiago, Chile. Is a very interesting story, that will be told in three parts, we are shooting part one this weeks, and part two and three on September.
This project is being done by Lantean Films in union with BlakeFilms® . And it will be available in August. This short film is a fan made product, so is from fans to fans.
First part will introduce you to Amy's world, this takes part after The Avengers movie. We hope you will like it, and we have much more projects on our plans, but this is the first one.

Besides that, we all know that last weekend was San Diego Comic Con, which was amazing, all those news from Marvel, but we are still waiting to hear from Stargate, as I recall, they said they had some news for us on last VanCon, but I haven't hear anything yet, does anyone know anything on that??

And, as a last thing, here is the First Logo for Amy The Young Avenger

Thank you guys, and for more news on Amy
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Thanks for following us, and see you around
Jade Berny O'Neill