Sunday, January 29, 2012

First 2012 entry

Hello Gaters:
Fellow friends, I apologize for the delay, but Happy New Year! it has been a very good start so far. With new series, new friends and new projects, this year is the last VanCon, but even though, all that happened last year, I still feel Stargate isn't over!! and It won't be, if all fans feels so. But hey, cheer up! we have a lot to watch and rewatch, haha.
Well, also this year is Phantom Menace 3D premiere, awesome (for the Star Wars fans, me included) haha, all I hope is everything turns right. Also I'm taking a major step on my fanaticism, I'm going to Chicago Con on August!! so, I hope they get more guests!! (Specially Kavan Smith, David Hewlett and Ben Browder).
Haha, and I hope to meet some of my friends there too...awesome, and it will be great!!
I'll tell you all that happens there here!! yey so wait 4 August!!

Well, keep tuned for more updates!!
and May the Force be With you!!
wish u a great year!!

Jade Berny O'Neill!